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The Chinese Social Media Landscape is vast and does not include platforms we are familiar with in other markets such as Facebook, Twitter and Google.

CSM works with clients to determine which social media channels are most appropriate for their brand. We have the authority to open enterprise and fully verified accounts in mainland China to enable your brand to communicate with consumers.

Functionality- wise,  it is closest to Skype in

that it allows quick free text, voice and video calls.

Weibo is most similar to Twitter although at over 282 million active users, it dwarfs it’s Western counterpart.

It is closest to WhatsApp in functionality (A combinationof Facebook and Twitter). With 806 million active users.

In addition to creation of your initial social media account, CSM works with clients to offer a fully managed social media service.

CSM works closely with your marketing teams to ensure messaging and content are carefully planned to match International campaigns. We can also create and implement bespoke Chinese campaigns and promotions.

Social Media Advertising

"The world’s largest social-media market is vastly different from its counterpart in the West. Yet the ingredients of a winning strategy are familiar." - McKinsey

CSM works with clients to determine which social media channels are most appropriate for their brand. We have the authority to open enterprise and fully verified accounts in mainland China to enable your brand to communicate with consumers.


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